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The Rev. Miki Hans Abia Synod Clerk of the PCC has been given a befitting Send Forth service as Presbyterial Secretary and Parish Pastor of EMS and Bonamoussadi at PCC Bonamoussadi today Sunday 02, February 2020. The service which brought together PCC Christians from all over the EMS Presbytery and others also witnessed the presence of the PCC first lady Rev. Dr. Perpetua Fonki, the Financial Secretary Mr. Mbuayo Ndive, the Chairman Board of Trustees, several Heads of Departments and Services.

It was an emotional filled service marked with several messages of farewell and goodwill. The Rev. Miki Hans Abia has been succeeded interim by the Rev. Bame Samuel as interim Presbyterial Secretary who doubles as Secretary Constitution Committee and the Rev. Mbwoge Paul as interim parish pastor assisted by the Rev. Nsobuka Gabriel. The presbytery driver Mr Neba Peter accompanies his boss to his new office.

The Miki family has been wished God’s blessings in the new responsibility at the Synod Office.


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