Background Information
The development of women in the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) in particular and the country Cameroon, in general, can be traced back to the coming of the missionaries with the Gospel of Christ alongside the education of Cameroonians aimed at raising helpers to evangelize as well as serve the colonial government. The Churches were the first medium of this education. At first, the stress was on educating boys as parents were reluctant to send girls to school.
As the missionaries came with their wives, these women wherever stationed, gathered other women in their communities to teach them a few home care lessons and Bible stories depending on their interests at the time. It became necessary to give women in particular some training besides general evangelization through the Gospel.
It is in light of this, that the Women’s Work Department was created. First to meet the needs of the Christian woman in the Presbyterian Church then the Cameroonian woman as a whole. Thus, in order to consolidate their work and increase outreach activities for a greater impact, this department formed branches called the provincial offices based in Kumba, Bamenda, and Littoral.
Some of the profound projects initiated during the early years include:
A Girl’s school was opened in Nsem – Bafut in 1947 and later moved to Agyati in 1948 by Na Lina Weber
A Marriage Training Centre Bafut. This school opened its doors in 1959. Today, it is called, Presbyterian Girls School of Science and Technology (PGSST) Bafut.
Still, in 1961, Na Lina Weber opened a Women Teacher Training College (WTTC) in Mankon.
A Centre for Women’s Work was established in Fotabe – Mamfe in 1953.
Another Centre for Women’s Work was opened in Tali in 1957.
All this and the many Bible Study groups that developed marked the humble beginnings of the WWD.
Women’s Work National Office building and Staff photo Bamenda
The cross is rooted in the Bible (The Word Of God) Alpha and Omega.
Serve The Lord With Joy (Psalm 100:2)
The aim of this movement is to encourage Christian women of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) to serve the Lord Jesus Christ wholeheartedly at home, in the congregation, and in the community.
The mission of the Women’s Work Department (WWD) is to lead Christian women and girls to serve the Lord wholeheartedly and to bring out positive changes in all areas of life: at home, in congregation and communities, and beyond. This mission will be achieved through continuous evangelization, education, training, and strengthening of their capacities spiritually, socially, and economically. All this is done under the guidance of the values and norms of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon and the policy of the Cameroon government.
To intensively evangelize to women and girls leading to an improvement in their spiritual and socio-economic life.
To improve the status quo of the woman, family life, and society; to strengthen women spiritually, socially, and economically thus empowering women to face the challenges of life in all domains.
Leading Figures:
The Women’s Department of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon dates back to the arrival of the early missionaries. However, the department became statutory only in 1961 when the Constitution became operational. Its foundation in 1961 was championed by Missionaries such as Fraternal Worker, Maria Schlenker, and Sister Rose Marie Peter. Other early Missionaries included Sr. Anni Maurer, Sr. Marie Ringli, and Anna Frank.
Sr. Rosmarie Beyer-Peter 1961 Sr. Anni Maurer Sr. Marie Ringli Anna Frank
Below are the Secretaries who have shouldered the affairs of the Women’s Work Department to date.
Sr. Rosmarie Beyer-Peter 1961
Sr. Anni Maurer
Sr. Marie Ringli
Anna Frank
Maria Schelenkar – 1966
Grace Eneme Elizabeth Gana
Ngeh Beatrice
Elizabeth Gana
Rev. Mrs. Mary Ekinde Salle
Organizational Structure
The Congregational Group of the CWF
This is the cell of the Department. At least ten members of a congregation can start a group. In the PCC, we have 1188 groups over the whole territory of Cameroon and in the Diaspora.
The Fellowship at the Zonal level
Groups within a specified area make up the Zonal fellowship. They have an executive that strengthens the groups and reports to the Presbytery executive.
The Fellowship at the Presbytery level
This is constituted by all congregational groups and Zonal setups within a Church Presbytery.
Regional level
The WWD of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon operates under three regions. Each region is coordinated by the Regional Office for Women’s Work. The Office is headed by a Regional Secretary who is a full-time employee of the PCC.
National Level
The entire Department is coordinated by the National Office. This office is responsible for the production of Study material for the groups, alongside the education and training of members.
The Committee of the Ministry
The Women’s Work Department is responsible to the Synod of the PCC through the Committee of the Ministry. The Committee oversees the functioning of the Department and reports to the Synod, which is the highest controlling body of the Church. The Organizational Structure of the Department is as follows
REGIONAL SECRETERIAT Bamenda: N.W.R Kumba: S.W.R Douala: East Mungo
PRESBYTERY SECRETARIAT All Presbytery Secretaries
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