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The engaging and reflective family get-together of more than 600 PCC Pastors go into day 3 today 4th April 2024 at PCSS Buea. Interventions from resource persons like Rev. Jones Ebot, Rev. Prof. Epiemembong Louis, Prof. Bongwong Bruno, Mrs. Jessie Ekukole, Bar. Nouvelliza Eta Besong, Rev. Dr. Perpetua Fonki, Rev. Emmanuel B. Masok, and Rev. Ntsam Emilda Bih animated the day.
Pastors have been engaged on discussions as the Reformed Identity, Harnessing Positive Energy and Self concept for Ministry, The Art of Public Speaking, Embracing Ministry and Family Challenges, Highlighting critical elements in the ‘Code of Ethics and Conduct of Pastors’.
These engagements are interspersed with devotionals and worship. May God continue inspire his shepherds as they seek his face in spirit and in truth.
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