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The Education Secretary of the PCC, Mr. Essaw Samgwa’a in his first Administrators’ Summit that held this day 22nd August, 2024 in PSS Bamenda Station, called on all Administrators (Principal and Managers) to work in synergy in order to advance the mission of the PEA , which is to provide quality holistic education to all with a focus on ethical and moral values.

The theme of this year’s Summit was: “Connecting the PEA through digitalization and partnerships”

The high points of the conclave were rooted in:

– The Education Secretary’s policy message and conceptual vision for the PEA, focused on strengthening social relations in the PEA, advancing the quality of education in the PEA, embedding blended learning via digitalization of the teaching-learning process, engaging/strengthening North-South and South-South partnerships in view of developing quality at all system levels of the PEA

– ⁠Evaluation of the 2023/2024 academic year

– ⁠Surgical analysis of the 2024 GCE results of PEA schools in terms of quantity and quality, including strategies to improve enrolment and quality of results at end of courses exams in all the PEA schools (both Primary and Secondary). Some of the strategies were found to already be delivering better outcomes, reflected by the present enrolment of 10,450 and 24,500 students/pupils respectively at the secondary system level and primary system level.

The following special guests were in attendance:

-The Presbyterial Secretary for Mezam Presbytery,

-The Health Services Secretary, PCC,

-The Parish Pastor, PCC Bamenda Station,

-The Congregational Chairperson, PCC Bamenda Station and a host of others.

And the rejuvenation of the PEA is moving on…

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