Monday, March 9 – Saturday, March 14
Over 5000 persons will gather in Buea on Sunday, March 15, 2020, for the Thanksgiving Service of the Moderator and for the Institution and Induction of the Synod Clerk of the PCC. Let us possess this gathering for Jesus Christ and make it a huge rally for fellowship and evangelism. Presbyterian Church in Cameroon Worldwide, Let Us Pray:
- Read: Let us come before him with thanksgiving (Psalm 95: 1-9). Pray…
- Read: Make supplication, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving (1 Timothy 2: 1-4). Pray…
- Read: Moses and Aaron amongst his Priests (Psalm 99). Pray…
- Read: God gave some Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers (Ephesians 4: 11-13). Pray …
- Read: We have different gifts (Romans 12: 3-8). Pray …
- Read: Feed my lambs (John 21: 15-17). Pray …
- Read: Wake up, strengthen what remains (Revelations 3: 1-6). Pray …
- Read: Then Peter stood and address the crowd (Acts 2:14 & 38-41). Pray …
- Read: The Believer’s Prayer (Acts 4: 23-31). Pray …
- Read: One heart, one mind and much grace (Acts 4: 32-33). Pray …
- Read: Stand against the devil and his schemes (Ephesians 6: 10-11). Pray …
- Read: Pillar of cloud in the day and pillar of fire in the night (Exodus 13: 20-22). Pray …
Yours by His Grace
Rev. Emmanuel B. Masok
The Secretary, Committee of the Ministry
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