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The Institution and the induction of the Rt. Rev. Miki Hans Abia as Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, and the Rev. Ayuk Solomon Eta as the Synod Clerk. The event took place on Sunday 16th March 2025 and the PCSS Buea esplanade.
Presiding over the service was the Very Rev. Dr. Fonki Samuel Forba outgoing Moderator who inducted the Rt. Rev. Miki Hans Abia, who later inducted the Synod Clerk.
The event brought together a crowd of more than 5000 worshippers from the 4 cardinal points of the PCC both nationally and internationally. In attendance were representatives of partner churches, state dignitaries, traditional rulers, and church workers, various choral groups and fervent Christians of the PCC.
Preaching from Acts 15:36-41, the Rt. Rev. Miki Hans Abia titled his sermon on the theme, “Strengthening and Edifying: A Call to consolidate and Accommodate one another. The prelate called on all Presbyterians to offer unconditional forgiveness to one another. He stressed that their mandate was to strengthen the already existing structures of the church and to edify its members.
The inductees were blessed by those who attended through their pledges to be veritable supporters of their administration, and with various gifts.
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