Sixteen years after the foundation stone of Presbyterian Church Asangkwo was laid by the then Moderator Rt. Rev. Dr. Festus A. Asana, thousands of faithful converged on PC Asangkwo, Tubah-Boyo Presbytery, today Sunday 3rd December to witness the dedication of the church house by PCC Moderator, Rt. Rev. Dr. Fonki Samuel Forba.
After the reception of the Moderator and his entourage at four corners Bambui in the Tubah Subdivision, a swift courtesy stop-over was made at Bambui Fon’s Palace. This was followed by the reception of the Moderator at the church’s compound amidst singing and dancing.
Immediately after the chanting of the Church’s anthem, all Christians led by elders duly robbed and the clergy at the tail of the procession, marched round the church’s house in rejoicing. This was followed by the handing over of the church’s keys to the Moderator by the parish pastor, the Rev. Mbakwa Jonas; A gesture that paved the way for the official entry into the church’s house as the Moderator unlocked the door.
The solemnity of the occasion continued as each item of the sanctuary and nave was dedicated to the Lord in prayer: the vestments, the Lord’s Table, the pulpit, the lectern, the baptismal font, the pews and the church house itself.
In his sermon, the Rev. Dr. Fai Michael, Moderator’s Representative for the North West Region, representing the Moderator at the occasion, preached on the theme: ” Be Ready at All Times to Welcome Christ”. This inspiration was drawn from I Thess. 5:1-11. He started by appreciating the Moderator for the privilege accorded him to preside at such a great occasion. Beginning the season of Advert, he urged the Christians to be sober and ready at all times for Christ is coming and coming very soon. Each action taken by anyone who calls him/herself a Christian must be intentional; for our choices today will determine where we shall be tomorrow.
He further underscored the fact that though he came to dedicate a structure; the church building, in essence Christians ought and must dedicate themselves to God for we are Living Stones and the Temple of God for Christ lives in us. Therefore, our words must resonate our actions.
To foster God’s work at PC Asangkwo, funds were raised led by the hierarchy of the church, a mark of love for the people of Asangkwo.
Over 30 certificates of recognition were handed to some Christians whose outstanding efforts at PC Asangkwo could not go unnoticed. Amongst the laureates was the Fon of Bambui, Fon Angafor Mombo-o III and Presbyterial Secretary for Tubah-Boyo Presbytery, the Rev. Numfor Godwin who also doubles as PCC Web-Master.
In appreciation to the church’s hierarchy, for their visionary endeavours, the Chairperson of PC Asangkwo, Elder Ntum Gladys, Chairperson of Tubah-Boyo Presbytery, Elder Mrs. Ambanasom, president of the Bambui Cultural Development Association (BACUDA) and the Fon of Bambui pledged their loyalty in supporting the church in all ramifications.
In response to the various speeches, the Moderator’s Representative guaranteed all that he will relay to the Moderator all requests made for the betterment of God’s people at Asangkwo. In the meantime, he made them to understand that the church cannot do for them what they can do for themselves. A case in point is encouraging their sons and daughters to avail themselves of the pastoral ministry.
Over 12 infants were privileged to be baptized by the Moderator’s Representative for the North West on this historic event.
It should be noted that PC Asangkwo started as a mustard seed with just a few Christians, but today she has grown in all spheres recording close to 500 Christians. Made up of three congregations with Asangkwo as the parish seat, she has birthed at least five other congregations in the Presbytery and is the first and only congregation in the Tubah-Boyo Presbytery that has been dedicated.
The occasion that was heavily attended by faithfuls in and out of Tubah-Boyo Presbytery had as dignitaries: the Presbyterial Secretary for Tubah-Boyo, the Rev. Numfor Godwin, the Secretary Constitution Committee, PCC, the clergy of the presbytery and their spouses the Fons of Bambui, Bambili Nzong-kwo amongst others.
The day ended with family photographs and refreshments
Tubah-Boyo Presbytery
CBS Echo Correspondent
Alota Victorine
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